
Started 1 year ago
Lasts 1 hour 30 minutes
Signups closed 1 year ago
Created by Rottnikken
See setup
See assignments
Loot distribution

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Kjapp tur innom Uldu10 etter team T ToGC10 run(s).
Proever vaere litt kjappere enn sist naar vi satt til over midnatt, saa gjerne si ifra naar vi skal til aa starte hvilke bosser dere evt trenger loot ifra og proev aa vaere effektive ila raidet.
Participants (9 / 10)


Tank (2)

1x Druid 1x Paladin
Kan evt komme med dr (...)

Healer (2)

1x Druid 1x Paladin
Resto / boomie
Eller boomie/resto, (...)

DPS (5)

1x Druid 2x Mage 1x Shaman 1x Warlock
skogtur hele dagen, (...)
Eller shaman
Kan bli med om vi ma (...)
eller pala


DPS (1)

1x Mage
Invite List

All the text in each textbox should be no longer than 255 characters, so they will fit in a macro.

The commands should be run in sequence, from top-down. The first two commands declares variables with all the names, and the last one checks those lists to determine if the player is in your group or not. If they are not in your group, the name will be printed in your chat.